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Chapter 1
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय
dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharmakṣetre kurukṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya
Dhṛtarāṣṭra said: O Sañjaya, after assembling in the place of pilgrimage at Kurukṣetra, what did my sons and the sons of Pāṇḍu do, being desirous to fight?
![Dronacarya is pointing out the two armies to Duryodhana.](/bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/chapter-1/plate-2-dronacarya-duryodhana2.jpg)
The topics discussed by Dhṛtarāṣṭra and Sañjaya, as described in the Mahābhārata, form the basic principle for this great philosophy. It is understood that this philosophy evolved on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra, which is a sacred place of pilgrimage from the immemorial time of the Vedic age. It was spoken by the Lord when He was present personally on this planet for the guidance of mankind.
The word dharma-kṣetra (a place where religious rituals are performed) is significant because, on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead was present on the side of Arjuna. Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the father of the Kurus, was highly doubtful about the possibility of his sons’ ultimate victory. In his doubt, he inquired from his secretary Sañjaya, “What did my sons and the sons of Pāṇḍu do?” He was confident that both his sons and the sons of his younger brother Pāṇḍu were assembled in that Field of Kurukṣetra for a determined engagement of the war. Still, his inquiry is significant. He did not want a compromise between the cousins and brothers, and he wanted to be sure of the fate of his sons on the battlefield. Because the battle was arranged to be fought at Kurukṣetra, which is mentioned elsewhere in the Vedas as a place of worship-even for the denizens of heaven-Dhṛtarāṣṭra became very fearful about the influence of the holy place on the outcome of the battle. He knew very well that this would influence Arjuna and the sons of Pāṇḍu favorably, because by nature they were all virtuous. Sañjaya was a student of Vyāsa, and therefore, by the mercy of Vyāsa, Sañjaya was able to envision the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra even while he was in the room of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. And so, Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked him about the situation on the battlefield.
Both the Pāṇḍavas and the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra belong to the same family, but Dhṛtarāṣṭra’s mind is disclosed herein. He deliberately claimed only his sons as Kurus, and he separated the sons of Pāṇḍu from the family heritage. One can thus understand the specific position of Dhṛtarāṣṭra in his relationship with his nephews, the sons of Pāṇḍu. As in the paddy field the unnecessary plants are taken out, so it is expected from the very beginning of these topics that in the religious field of Kurukṣetra where the father of religion, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, was present, the unwanted plants like Dhṛtarāṣṭra’s son Duryodhana and others would be wiped out and the thoroughly religious persons, headed by Yudhiṣṭhira, would be established by the Lord. This is the significance of the words dharma-kṣetre and kuru-kṣetre, apart from their historical and Vedic importance.
सञ्जय उवाच
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा
आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत्
sañjaya uvāca
dṛṣṭvā tu pāṇḍavānīkaṃ
vyūḍhaṃ duryodhanas tadā
ācāryam upasaṅgamya
rājā vacanam abravīt
Sañjaya said: O King, after looking over the army gathered by the sons of Pāṇḍu, King Duryodhana went to his teacher and began to speak the following words:
![A view of the military phalanx on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra.](/bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/chapter-1/plate-3-on-battlefield1.jpg)
पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम्
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता
paśyaitāṃ pāṇḍuputrāṇām
ācārya mahatīṃ camūm
vyūḍhāṃ drupadaputreṇa
tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā
O my teacher, behold the great army of the sons of Pāṇḍu, so expertly arranged by your intelligent disciple, the son of Drupada.
अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि
युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः
atra śūrā maheṣvāsā
bhīmārjunasamā yudhi
yuyudhāno virāṭaś ca
drupadaś ca mahārathaḥ
Here in this army there are many heroic bowmen equal in fighting to Bhīma and Arjuna; there are also great fighters like Yuyudhāna, Virāṭa and Drupada.
धृष्टकेतुश्चेकितानः काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान्
पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गवः
dhṛṣṭaketuś cekitānaḥ
kāśirājaś ca vīryavān
purujit kuntibhojaś ca
śaibyaś ca narapuṅgavaḥ
There are also great, heroic, powerful fighters like Dhṛṣṭaketu, Cekitāna, Kāśirāja, Purujit, Kuntibhoja and Śaibya.
युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्
सौभद्रो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्व एव महारथाः
yudhāmanyuś ca vikrānta
uttamaujāś ca vīryavān
saubhadro draupadeyāś ca
sarva eva mahārathāḥ
There are the mighty Yudhāmanyu, the very powerful Uttamaujā, the son of Subhadrā and the sons of Draupadī. All these warriors are great chariot fighters.
अस्माकं तु विशिष्टा ये तान्निबोध द्विजोत्तम
नायका मम सैन्यस्य संज्ञार्थं तान्ब्रवीमि ते
asmākaṃ tu viśiṣṭā ye
tān nibodha dvijottama
nāyakā mama sainyasya
saṃjñārthaṃ tān bravīmi te
O best of the brāhmaṇas, for your information, let me tell you about the captains who are especially qualified to lead my military force.
भवान्भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च समितिंजयः
अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च
bhavān bhīṣmaś ca karṇaś ca
kṛpaś ca samitiṃjayaḥ
aśvatthāmā vikarṇaś ca
saumadattis tathaiva ca
There are personalities like yourself, Bhīṣma, Karṇa, Kṛpa, Aśvatthāmā, Vikarṇa and the son of Somadatta called Bhuriśravā, who are always victorious in battle.
अन्ये च बहवः शूरा मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः
anye ca bahavaḥ śūrā
madarthe tyaktajīvitāḥ
sarve yuddhaviśāradāḥ
There are many other heroes who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. All of them are well equipped with different kinds of weapons, and all are experienced in military science.
अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम्
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम्
aparyāptaṃ tad asmākaṃ
balaṃ bhīṣmābhirakṣitam
paryāptaṃ tv idam eteṣāṃ
balaṃ bhīmābhirakṣitam
Our strength is immeasurable, and we are perfectly protected by Grandfather Bhīṣma, whereas the strength of the Pāṇḍavas, carefully protected by Bhīma, is limited.
अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिताः
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्तः सर्व एव हि
ayaneṣu ca sarveṣu
yathābhāgam avasthitāḥ
bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu
bhavantaḥ sarva eva hi
Now all of you must give full support to Grandfather Bhīṣma, standing at your respective strategic points in the phalanx of the army.
तस्य सञ्जनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्धः पितामहः
सिंहनादं विनद्योच्चैः शङ्खं दध्मौ प्रतापवान्
tasya sañjanayan harṣaṃ
kuruvṛddhaḥ pitāmahaḥ
siṃhanādaṃ vinadyoccaiḥ
śaṅkhaṃ dadhmau pratāpavān
Then Bhīṣma, the great valiant grandsire of the Kuru dynasty, the grandfather of the fighters, blew his conchshell very loudly like the sound of a lion, giving Duryodhana joy.
ततः शङ्खाश्च भेर्यश्च पणवानकगोमुखाः
सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त स शब्दस्तुमुलोऽभवत्
tataḥ śaṅkhāś ca bheryaś ca
sa śabdas tumulo ‘bhavat
After that, the conchshells, bugles, trumpets, drums and horns were all suddenly sounded, and the combined sound was tumultuous.
ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ
माधवः पाण्डवश्चैव दिव्यौ शङ्खौ प्रदध्मतुः
tataḥ śvetair hayair yukte
mahati syandane sthitau
mādhavaḥ pāṇḍavaś caiva
divyau śaṅkhau pradadhmatuḥ
On the other side, both Lord Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conchshells.
पाञ्चजन्यं हृषीकेशो देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः
पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः
pāñcajanyaṃ hṛṣīkeśo
devadattaṃ dhanañjayaḥ
pauṇḍraṃ dadhmau mahāśaṅkhaṃ
bhīmakarmā vṛkodaraḥ
Then, Lord Kṛṣṇa blew His conchshell, called Pāñcajanya; Arjuna blew his, the Devadatta; and Bhīma, the voracious eater and performer of Herculean tasks, blew his terrific conchshell called Pauṇḍram.
Arjuna is referred to as Dhanañjaya in this verse because he helped his elder brother in fetching wealth when it was required by the King to make expenditures for different sacrifices. Similarly, Bhīma is known as Vṛkodara because he could eat as voraciously as he could perform Herculean tasks, such as killing the demon Hiḍimba. So, the particular types of conchshell blown by the different personalities on the side of the Pāṇḍavas, beginning with the Lord’s, were all very encouraging to the fighting soldiers. On the other side there were no such credits, nor the presence of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the supreme director, nor that of the goddess of fortune. So, they were predestined to lose the battle-and that was the message announced by the sounds of the conchshells.
अनन्तविजयं राजा कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः
नकुलः सहदेवश्च सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ
काश्यश्च परमेष्वासः शिखण्डी च महारथः
धृष्टद्युम्नो विराटश्च सात्यकिश्चापराजितः
द्रुपदो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्वशः पृथिवीपते
सौभद्रश्च महाबाहुः शङ्खान्दध्मुः पृथक्पृथक्
anantavijayaṃ rājā
kuntīputro yudhiṣṭhiraḥ
nakulaḥ sahadevaś ca
kāśyaś ca parameṣvāsaḥ
śikhaṇḍī ca mahārathaḥ
dhṛṣṭadyumno virāṭaś ca
sātyakiś cāparājitaḥ
drupado draupadeyāś ca
sarvaśaḥ pṛthivīpate
saubhadraś ca mahābāhuḥ
śaṅkhān dadhmuḥ pṛthak pṛthak
King Yudhiṣṭhira, the son of Kuntī, blew his conchshell, the Anantavijaya, and Nakula and Sahadeva blew the Sughoṣa and Maṇipuṣpaka. That great archer the King of Kāśī, the great fighter Śikhaṇḍī, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, Virāṭa and the unconquerable Sātyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadī, and the others, O King, such as the son of Subhadrā, greatly armed, all blew their respective conchshells.
स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत्
नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलोऽभ्यनुनादयन्
sa ghoṣo dhārtarāṣṭrāṇāṃ
hṛdayāni vyadārayat
nabhaś ca pṛthivīṃ caiva
tumulo ‘bhyanunādayan
The blowing of these different conchshells became uproarious, and thus, vibrating both in the sky and on the earth, it shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.
अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान्कपिध्वजः
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डवः
हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते
atha vyavasthitān dṛṣṭvā
dhārtarāṣṭrān kapidhvajaḥ
pravṛtte śastrasampāte
dhanur udyamya pāṇḍavaḥ
hṛṣīkeśaṃ tadā vākyam
idam āha mahīpate
O King, at that time Arjuna, the son of Pāṇḍu, who was seated in his chariot, his flag marked with Hanumān, took up his bow and prepared to shoot his arrows, looking at the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. O King, Arjuna then spoke to Hṛṣīkeśa [Kṛṣṇa] these words:
अर्जुन उवाच
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत
यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान्
कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन्रणसमुद्यमे
arjuna uvāca
senayor ubhayor madhye
rathaṃ sthāpaya me ‘cyuta
yāvad etān nirīkṣe ‘haṃ
yoddhukāmān avasthitān
kair mayā saha yoddhavyam
asmin raṇasamudyame
Arjuna said: O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see who is present here, who is desirous of fighting, and with whom I must contend in this great battle attempt.
As a pure devotee of the Lord, Arjuna had no desire to fight with his cousins and brothers, but he was forced to come onto the battlefield by the obstinacy of Duryodhana, who was never agreeable to any peaceful negotiation. Therefore, he was very anxious to see who the leading persons present on the battlefield were. Although there was no question of a peacemaking endeavor on the battlefield, he wanted to see them again, and to see how much they were bent upon demanding an unwanted war.
योत्स्यमानानवेक्षेऽहं य एतेऽत्र समागताः
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः
yotsyamānān avekṣe ‘haṃ
ya ete ‘tra samāgatāḥ
dhārtarāṣṭrasya durbuddher
yuddhe priyacikīrṣavaḥ
Let me see those who have come here to fight, wishing to please the evil-minded son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.
सञ्जय उवाच
एवमुक्तो हृषीकेशो गुडाकेशेन भारत
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये स्थापयित्वा रथोत्तमम्
sañjaya uvāca
evam ukto hṛṣīkeśo
guḍākeśena bhārata
senayor ubhayor madhye
sthāpayitvā rathottamam
Sañjaya said: O descendant of Bharata, being thus addressed by Arjuna, Lord Kṛṣṇa drew up the fine chariot in the midst of the armies of both parties.
भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः सर्वेषां च महीक्षिताम्
उवाच पार्थ पश्यैतान्
sarveṣāṃ ca mahīkṣitām
uvāca pārtha paśyaitān
samavetān kurūn iti
In the presence of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and all other chieftains of the world, Hṛṣīkeśa, the Lord, said, Just behold, Pārtha, all the Kurus who are assembled here.
![Arjuna's lamentation](/bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/chapter-1/plate-51.jpg)
तत्रापश्यत्स्थितान्पार्थः पितॄनथ पितामहान्
श्वशुरान्सुहृदश्चैव सेनयोरुभयोरपि
tatrāpaśyat sthitān pārthaḥ
pitṝn atha pitāmahān
ācāryān mātulān bhrātṝn
putrān pautrān sakhīṃs tathā
śvaśurān suhṛdaś caiva
senayor ubhayor api
There Arjuna could see, within the midst of the armies of both parties, his fathers, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, friends, and also his father-in-law and well-wishers-all present there.
तान्समीक्ष्य स कौन्तेयः सर्वान्बन्धूनवस्थितान्
कृपया परयाविष्टो विषीदन्निदमब्रवीत्
tān samīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ
sarvān bandhūn avasthitān
kṛpayā parayāviṣṭo
viṣīdann idam abravīt
When the son of Kuntī, Arjuna, saw all these different grades of friends and relatives, he became overwhelmed with compassion and spoke thus:
अर्जुन उवाच
दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम्
सीदन्ति मम गात्राणि मुखं च परिशुष्यति
arjuna uvāca
dṛṣṭvemaṃ svajanaṃ kṛṣṇa
yuyutsuṃ samupasthitam
sīdanti mama gātrāṇi
mukhaṃ ca pariśuṣyati
Arjuna said: My dear Kṛṣṇa, seeing my friends and relatives present before me in such a fighting spirit, I feel the limbs of my body quivering and my mouth drying up.
yasyāsti bhaktir bhagavaty akiñcanā
sarvair guṇais tatra samāsate surāḥ
harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇā
mano-rathenāsati dhāvato bahiḥ
“One who has unflinching devotion for the Personality of Godhead has all the good qualities of the demigods. But one who is not a devotee of the Lord has only material qualifications that are of little value. This is because he is hovering on the mental plane and is certain to be attracted by the glaring material energy.” (Bhāg. 5.18.12)
वेपथुश्च शरीरे मे रोमहर्षश्च जायते
गाण्डीवं स्रंसते हस्तात्त्वक्चैव परिदह्यते
vepathuś ca śarīre me
romaharṣaś ca jāyate
gāṇḍīvaṃ sraṃsate hastāt
tvak caiva paridahyate
My whole body is trembling, and my hair is standing on end. My bow Gāṇḍīva is slipping from my hand, and my skin is burning.
न च शक्नोम्यवस्थातुं भ्रमतीव च मे मनः
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव
na ca śaknomy avasthātuṃ
bhramatīva ca me manaḥ
nimittāni ca paśyāmi
viparītāni keśava
I am now unable to stand here any longer. I am forgetting myself, and my mind is reeling. I foresee only evil, O killer of the Keśī demon.
न च श्रेयोऽनुपश्यामि हत्वा स्वजनमाहवे
न काङ्क्षे विजयं कृष्ण न च राज्यं सुखानि च
na ca śreyo ‘nupaśyāmi
hatvā svajanam āhave
na kāṅkṣe vijayaṃ kṛṣṇa
na ca rājyaṃ sukhāni ca
I do not see how any good can come from killing my own kinsmen in this battle, nor can I, my dear Kṛṣṇa, desire any subsequent victory, kingdom, or happiness.
![The insulting of Draupadi.](/bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/chapter-1/plate-6-the-insulting-of-draupadi.jpg)
किं नो राज्येन गोविन्द किं भोगैर्जीवितेन वा
येषामर्थे काङ्क्षितं नो राज्यं भोगाः सुखानि च
त इमेऽवस्थिता युद्धे प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा धनानि च
आचार्याः पितरः पुत्रास्तथैव च पितामहाः
मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः श्यालाः सम्बन्धिनस्तथा
एतान्न हन्तुमिच्छामि घ्नतोऽपि मधुसूदन
अपि त्रैलोक्यराज्यस्य हेतोः किं नु महीकृते
निहत्य धार्तराष्ट्रान्नः का प्रीतिः स्याज्जनार्दन
kiṃ no rājyena govinda
kiṃ bhogair jīvitena vā
yeṣām arthe kāṅkṣitaṃ no
rājyaṃ bhogāḥ sukhāni ca
ta ime ‘vasthitā yuddhe
prāṇāṃs tyaktvā dhanāni ca
ācāryāḥ pitaraḥ putrās
tathaiva ca pitāmahāḥ
mātulāḥ śvaśurāḥ pautrāḥ
śyālāḥ sambandhinas tathā
etān na hantum icchāmi
ghnato ‘pi madhusūdana
api trailokyarājyasya
hetoḥ kiṃ nu mahīkṛte
nihatya dhārtarāṣṭrān naḥ
kā prītiḥ syāj janārdana
O Govinda, of what avail to us are kingdoms, happiness or even life itself when all those for whom we may desire them are now arrayed in this battlefield? O Madhusūdana, when teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in-law and all relatives are ready to give up their lives and properties and are standing before me, then why should I wish to kill them, though I may survive? O maintainer of all creatures, I am not prepared to fight with them even in exchange for the three worlds, let alone this earth.
तस्मान्नार्हा वयं हन्तुं धार्तराष्ट्रान्सबान्धवान्
स्वजनं हि कथं हत्वा सुखिनः स्याम माधव
pāpam evāśrayed asmān
hatvaitān ātatāyinaḥ
tasmān nārhā vayaṃ hantuṃ
dhārtarāṣṭrān sabāndhavān
svajanaṃ hi kathaṃ hatvā
sukhinaḥ syāma mādhava
Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra and our friends. What should we gain, O Kṛṣṇa, husband of the goddess of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen?
यद्यप्येते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहतचेतसः
कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम्
कथं न ज्ञेयमस्माभिः पापादस्मान्निवर्तितुम्
कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं प्रपश्यद्भिर्जनार्दन
yady apy ete na paśyanti
kulakṣayakṛtaṃ doṣaṃ
mitradrohe ca pātakam
kathaṃ na jñeyam asmābhiḥ
pāpād asmān nivartitum
kulakṣayakṛtaṃ doṣaṃ
prapaśyadbhir janārdana
O Janārdana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one’s family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?
कुलक्षये प्रणश्यन्ति कुलधर्माः सनातनाः
धर्मे नष्टे कुलं कृत्स्नमधर्मोऽभिभवत्युत
kulakṣaye praṇaśyanti
kuladharmāḥ sanātanāḥ
dharme naṣṭe kulaṃ kṛtsnam
adharmo ‘bhibhavaty uta
With the destruction of dynasty, the eternal family tradition is vanquished, and thus the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligious practice.
अधर्माभिभवात्कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः
स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु वार्ष्णेय जायते वर्णसङ्करः
adharmābhibhavāt kṛṣṇa
praduṣyanti kulastriyaḥ
strīṣu duṣṭāsu vārṣṇeya
jāyate varṇasaṅkaraḥ
When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Kṛṣṇa, the women of the family become corrupt, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vṛṣṇi, comes unwanted progeny.
सङ्करो नरकायैव कुलघ्नानां कुलस्य च
पतन्ति पितरो ह्येषां लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रियाः
saṅkaro narakāyaiva
kulaghnānāṃ kulasya ca
patanti pitaro hy eṣāṃ
When there is increase of unwanted population, a hellish situation is created both for the family and for those who destroy the family tradition. In such corrupt families, there is no offering of oblations of food and water to the ancestors.
devarṣi-bhūtāpta-nṛnāṁ pitṝṇāṁ
na kiṅkaro nāyamṛṇī ca rājan
sarvātmanā yaḥ śaraṇaṁ śaraṇyaṁ
gato mukundaṁ parihṛtya kartam
“Anyone who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda, the giver of liberation, giving up all kinds of obligation, and has taken to the path in all seriousness, owes neither duties nor obligations to the demigods, sages, general living entities, family members, humankind or forefathers.” (Bhāg. 11.5.41) Such obligations are automatically fulfilled by performance of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
दोषैरेतैः कुलघ्नानां वर्णसङ्करकारकैः
उत्साद्यन्ते जातिधर्माः कुलधर्माश्च शाश्वताः
doṣair etaiḥ kulaghnānāṃ
utsādyante jātidharmāḥ
kuladharmāś ca śāśvatāḥ
Due to the evil deeds of the destroyers of family tradition, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated.
उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन
नरके नियतं वासो भवतीत्यनुशुश्रुम
manuṣyāṇāṃ janārdana
narake niyataṃ vāso
bhavatīty anuśuśruma
O Kṛṣṇa, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell.
अहो बत महत्पापं कर्तुं व्यवसिता वयम्
यद्राज्यसुखलोभेन हन्तुं स्वजनमुद्यताः
aho bata mahat pāpaṃ
kartuṃ vyavasitā vayam
yad rājyasukhalobhena
hantuṃ svajanam udyatāḥ
Alas, how strange it is that we are preparing to commit greatly sinful acts, driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness.
यदि मामप्रतीकारमशस्त्रं शस्त्रपाणयः
धार्तराष्ट्रा रणे हन्युस्तन्मे क्षेमतरं भवेत्
yadi mām apratīkāram
aśastraṃ śastrapāṇayaḥ
dhārtarāṣṭrā raṇe hanyus
tan me kṣemataraṃ bhavet
I would consider it better for the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra to kill me unarmed and unresisting, rather than fight with them.
सञ्जय उवाच
एवमुक्त्वार्जुनः सङ्ख्ये रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्
विसृज्य सशरं चापं शोकसंविग्नमानसः
sañjaya uvāca
evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye
rathopastha upāviśat
visṛjya saśaraṃ cāpaṃ
Sañjaya said: Arjuna, having thus spoken on the battlefield, cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot, his mind overwhelmed with grief.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the First Chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhagavad-gītā in the matter of Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra.